
Saudi building materials market has great potential
2012 09 11, 2010 07:54 Source: International Business Daily,

sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce and China Minmetals Chemicals Import and Export Chamber of Commerce co-hosted the "Saudi Arabia (China) International Sanitary Building Hardware Fair 2012 and the third 2012 Saudi Chinese goods Zhanqia Hui" will be held on December 18 this year to 20, at the opening of the Saudi Arabia capital Riyadh Exhibition Center . The exhibition is a professional exhibition the Commerce Department self-organized overseas for the first time bathroom building materials and hardware products. Show the positioning of the field of building materials, from the huge market potential of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi-Arabia oil kingdom is known, is the Middle East's largest economy. Saudi Arabia is the Middle East's largest building materials consuming countries, the demand of the construction industry accounted for 5% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country has a huge demand for high-grade building materials.
Saudi political stability in the past 10 years, to maintain a high growth, national fiscal revenue to maintain a higher fertility rate, expected the Saudi population will double by 2023, to some extent, promoted the rapid development of the Saudi real estate. Related data show that Saudi Arabia in the next 10 years there will be 200 million units of residential demand, only the capital, Riyadh, on more than 60 million units, with a market size of about $ 210 billion. Saudi-Arabia's infrastructure construction in the large-scale expansion of the Saudi construction projects worth at the end of 2012 will reach $ 63.3 billion, an average annual growth rate of 23.4%.
The next four years in the construction plans of the new Saudi economic cities "and" Desert urbanization process, the Saudi government is expected to invest 320 billion funding, to complete the construction of four economic cities in 2020. The building materials market in Saudi Arabia is actively opening up of China's building materials enterprises.
Demand compared to Saudi Arabia's economic stability and expansion of trade, the traditional markets of Europe and the United States on China's export products recovery is weak, short-term, home building materials exports customary route more and more difficult to walk. At present, China's building materials export enterprises is particularly urgent search for emerging markets.
Economic and Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, "Saudi Arabia is a very large demand for building materials in China," said Li Yanlin,. According to Li Yanlin, Saudi Arabia has a strong demand for high-end building materials, building materials production and processing enterprises many Saudi customers want to joint ventures or cooperation with Chinese enterprises set up in Saudi.
The depreciation of the dollar and the rapid development of engineering and construction market in Saudi caused a shortage of building materials, the current Saudi domestic building material prices soaring. Chinese building materials to enter the Saudi market at this time, effectively alleviate the pressure demand and supply of building materials, will also bring new market opportunities to the Chinese building materials enterprises.
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