
How to choose artificial cultured stone veneer?

Artificial culture stone artificial cultured stone veneer in 2000 by the United States, South Korea Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers, exports to China. At present, China has no specific quality standards, as the outside wall decoration materials, but it should be consistent with the basic provisions of the relevant aspects of the building materials, exterior materials.
A selection of artistic effects (this is determined by the design institute)
Second, the intrinsic quality of the product
(A) the color aspect
Fade No? (1) the quality of the pigment (American culture stone and domestic brands with Germany "BAIER Bayer pigment, with bargain-made, such as" goods ", the former unit price is several times that of the latter)
(2) color (pigment) and anti-anti-aging? --- Testing standards can refer to the the the national exterior paint anti-aging standard ". GB/T1865
(3) whether the whole body coloring? (American culture stone and domestic brands are quintana coloring)
(B) physical indicators
1, the density ≤ 1.4g/cm3 (finished weight 30kg ~ 50Kg / m.)
2, the compressive strength of the external walls of culture stone is not load-bearing, but the impact of wind, can refer to the C746-1999 "provisions of the concrete tile (not important).
3, the bending strength can press JC/T641 "in the decorative concrete block wall tiles regulations or reference to the flexural strength of the GB wall tiling requirements. (The average flexural strength of the tulip culture stone of 27.6MPa; other big brands 5.12Mpa)
4, antifreeze can reference JC746-1999 "provisions of the concrete tile execution to GB/T6955-1986" ceramic wall and floor tiles frost resistance test methods (many domestic culture stone (at minus 30 ° C to minus 10 ℃ conditions after 50 freeze-thaw was no peeling, no breakage.)
Resistance to artificial aging according to GB/T1865-1997, 150H did not significantly change.
6, water absorption according to GB/T2579-1989 (17% water absorption, protective treatment 2.5%).
7, acid corrosion up to A-level (0.01mol / L hydrochloric acid solution and 0.01mol / L sodium hydroxide solution after dropping stone surface no obvious damage, no mortar blocks falling phenomenon, and to restore to its original state).
8, radioactive GB655 provisions execution (internal exposure index ≤ 0.6Bq/Kg external exposure index ≤ 0.8Bq/Kg).
(C) other indicators
1, the culture stone surface hardness (equivalent wear resistance). The higher, the more wind resistance, less easy to swap the gray.
2, alkali turning any culture stone surface turned base will be difficult to see. (Not 100% not turn alkali culture stone, there must be one hundred percent turn alkali culture stone). Turn alkali is the concrete dealkalization This change of the structure of the concrete, thus affecting the cultural life of the stone.
(4) Description:
Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers of performance indicators to reach the above criteria, the technology, but relevant:
1, no fully formulated master of raw materials, trade-off.
Material quality level is not enough (and did not find a good manufacturer, the supplier of the information is a commercial secret culture stone manufacturers)
Production problems, or do not put in place.


artificial stone pros and cons counterparts behind the prosperity of crisis arouses worries

Artificial stone surface material processing rapid development, hidden behind the prosperity of the three crisis. artificial cultured stone veneercan be seen everywhere in people's lives, after decades of development, artificial stone production, processing, and marketing enterprises  Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers such as have sprung up, and has been to the peak stage, but this prosperity behind deep crisis: good and bad, disorderly operations and so restricts the development of the industry as a whole. artificial cultured stone veneer classified in three categories: solid surfaces, synthetic Engineered stone, ceramic stone, are generally understood and seen solid surface material. Imports of solid surface material sales network architecture structures relatively sound better price system industry maintenance, but manufacturers agents always have some limitations that agents can only sell a single brand, and the brand agents processors, the processing scale is limited, unable to reach a reasonable scale of production effects, can not effectively reduce processing costs, to obtain a price advantage; domestic solid surfaces confusion the absence of a good sales system, resulting in sales channels, price retreats competition each other to keep the prices down, the result is that dealers can only operating profit; manufacturers do not build support strength agents, distributors, processors, network, and the processing of solid surfaces and low entry barrier, a shed shed thirty thousand equipment, four or five people on the start, so the market, many of which are small businesses, small workshops doing; poor facilities, management deficiencies, product quality and service quality can not be guaranteed. Quality instability customer complaints high, the proportion of non-payment. The originally small profit, there is no space to improve the quality, good quality, customers willing to pay a good price, which form a vicious cycle.
A lot of problems in the sales and production process. Solid surface material is mainly used for the cabinet table sales model of solid surfaces is this: a kind of cabinet showroom, sales countertops cabinets while industry sales cabinets, countertop and then ordered to solid surfaces by sales, the entity surface material orders received after cabinet installation is complete, lofting, and then go back to the factory for sample processing, and then installed into the customer's home. Such a process, countertops dealer in a passive position, can not be led boost sales table. Almost no contact with consumers, not directly understand consumer begged, will not be able to make a difference in the design of the product. Therefore, the above relationship between a sales and production, resulting in the countertops are orders production, coupled with the low accuracy of our limit construction countertops inefficient production. Orders when overtime too late; workers no orders only prices. The size of the processing plant so that the solid surface material to a certain extent, you can not improve. It would appear that the sales of solid surfaces processing  Veneer Stone Manufacturers and Suppliers in scale providers have encountered a bottleneck, and how to break through the bottleneck to develop, to get rid of small solid surfaces enterprise scale, low-level, poor management image, people engaged in this industry is the most urgent desire.


Shockproof construction will become the development trend of the Japan earthquake 2013-02-03 13:51:43 | Category: Default Category | Tags: | font size medium and small subscription.
Building materials businesses to benefit from Japan's post-disaster reconstruction, only short-term gains, but another, more thought-provoking earthquake awareness of our architecture is able to strengthen. The study of earthquake-resistant construction and shock-resistant material are enterprises or small industry alone for there is no authority for specialized research. China's building standards, not even related requirements.
In sharp contrast with Japan's earthquake, Yunnan Dehong Prefecture the Yingjiang recently occurred 5.8 earthquake, the county supermarket, hotel and many houses collapsed, most of the walls of the city collapsed. After the earthquake, many buildings, Yingjiang along cracks in the wall, the earthquake resulted in Yingjiang city most of the old houses collapsed. Many homes had the lowest level of direct collapse, the first floor of a three-story supermarket collapsed completely, the original second floor into the first floor.
Industry experts said that, look at the damage to infrastructure projects and buildings from a major earthquake, earthquake-prone, or to make China more thinking about building a solid and secure. From the steel building, the future of integrated housing will become increasingly favored by more domestic construction.
Frequent earthquakes will make the world more and more attention to the shock level of the building to become the focus of the industry in China has not been widely steel building can usher in the explosive growth. The data show that the 1985 Mexico earthquake and the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan, steel structures housing destruction rate and extent of the damage is far lower than the reinforced concrete structure housing. Because of the many advantages of the steel building, the developed countries, the proportion of annual steel steel has reached more than 30%, especially Japan, the proportion has reached 50%, while the proportion of China's steel structure housing in all residential buildings less than 1%.
Superior earthquake performance of steel building, especially residential steel structure, there are other features, which makes the industry is expected to receive state support. China's steel overcapacity forced to reduce steel production capacity is a painful process, and to encourage construction steel, to promote the residential steel structure can become an effective channel to divert steel capacity. China's annual new construction residential area is huge, which provides a broad platform for the steel development. The residential steel compared to the space steel, the heavy steel structure of the high-level design, construction, and technical requirements, so the pace of development will be faster, once the technology is forming, and will usher in the explosive growth. Currently, however, there are many factors that constrained the development of China's steel residential.
Residential steel in the design, construction, and materials with traditional concrete building has been completely different, the promotion of residential steel, whether from the concept, or from a technical perspective is leaps and bounds subversive of traditional architectural forms. Real estate companies in China in recent years has a higher profit margin, highly leveraged operations, the developers do not want to take the plunge to new architectural forms.
Although the steel structure technology has matured, but due to the lack of industrial conditions, wall materials, stone coated metal roofing tiles,flooring, bathroom and other supporting materials technology is not mature, and therefore its industrialization, also need a lot of supporting work.
From the living customs of our people prefer to live in the houses of civil engineering structures, the use of the history of the country for the wide range of steel not last long. Therefore, China's steel industry can usher in the explosive growth, or suspense. If the country is not strong policies to promote residential steel in China will remain in the slowly evolving.


Manufactured Stone VeneerThrough elements of color, texture and shape, manufactured stone veneer is one of those unique products that possess the ability to transform an ordinary project into an extraordinary masterpiece. Architects and designers across the country have embraced its potential to enhance the interior space or exterior façade of almost any project. Whether your project requires an authentic-looking manufactured stone or an imported natural stone, BrickAmerica is your single source for the finest stone veneer available in the market.


Analysis: How to maintain the culture marble countertops

The  artificial cultured stone veneer mesa by crushed marble, resins, calcium carbonate, pigments and other materials fumed made from. Actual proof of this culture stone than marble countertops tougher, easier maintenance, cleaning marble bathrooms, each person will be amazed by this culture stone countertops.The renovated bathroom choose Taiwan panel, culture marble countertops are the most popular choice of material than marble countertops, culture marble color and price are a significant advantage, housewives might find than other stone countertops, culture marble countertops more more interests.Decorative culture marble countertops, and sometimes the only solid colors in order to achieve the desired effect. Surface re-trimmed in order to achieve the style you like, If this is repeated trimming a few times and did not cause serious damage, cultural marble countertops is easy to fix.The porous marble tend to stains, scratches and damage becomes very sensitive, on the contrary, culture marble Taiwan but has resisted the face of these substances, only need a small amount of the cost of maintenance, and do not like the Marble Countertop to be applied to the protective film. You can let the painters painted marble countertops to the cultural blending or solid color pigment to increase the protective effect.For some minor scratches, stains and other discoloration stain can wipe with sandpaper.Manufacted  artificial cultured stone veneer marble material these years, continues to have to raise the culture stone is only a few years ago made the point like a true cultural marble. Today, a lot of people have been difficult to distinguish between cultural stone and real marble is very difficult distinction only by cutting off part of the surface layer, in order to clearly distinguish between the two.The culture marble Manufacted  artificial cultured stone veneer mesa by crushed marble, resins, calcium carbonate, pigments and other materials fumed made from. Actual proof of this culture stone than marble countertops tougher, easier maintenance, cleaning marble bathrooms, each person will be amazed by this culture stone countertops.The renovated bathroom choose Taiwan panel, culture marble countertops are the most popular choice of material than marble countertops, culture marble color and price are a significant advantage, housewives might find than other stone countertops, culture marble countertops more more interests.Decorative culture marble countertops, and sometimes the only solid colors in order to achieve the desired effect. Surface re-trimmed in order to achieve the style you like, If this is repeated trimming a few times and did not cause serious damage, cultural marble countertops is easy to fix.The porous marble tend to stains, scratches and damage becomes very sensitive, on the contrary, culture marble Taiwan but has resisted the face of these substances, only need a small amount of the cost of maintenance, and do not like the Marble Countertop to be applied to the protective film. You can let the painters painted marble countertops to the cultural blending or solid color pigment to increase the protective effect.For some minor scratches, stains and other discoloration stain can wipe with sandpaper.Manufacted  artificial cultured stone veneer material these years, continues to have to raise the culture stone is only a few years ago made the point like a true culture of marble. Today, a lot of people have been difficult to distinguish between cultural stone and real marble is very difficult distinction only by cutting off part of the surface layer, in order to clearly distinguish between the two.




来源:四川万中建设科技有限责任公司 成都奥灵格装饰材料有限责任公司发布日期:2013-01-15 09:33:25查看次数:7
        人造石artificial cultured stone veneer是用非天然的混合物制成的,如树、水泥加碎石黏合剂。人造石(又称"人造大理石")是一种新型的复合材料,是用不饱和聚脂树脂与填料、颜料混合,加入少量引发剂,经一定的加工程序制成的。在制造过程中配以不同的色料可制成具有色彩艳丽、光泽如玉酷似天然大理石的制品。因其具有无毒性、无放射性、阻燃性、不粘油、不渗污、抗菌防霉、耐磨、耐冲击、易保养、拼接无缝、任意造型等优点,正逐步成为装修建材市场上的新宠。人造石产品制造简便、生产周期短、成本低、广泛用于各种室内及室外建筑装饰。人造石30年前在美国问世,我国最早应用人造石制品作为装饰材料的是90年代中期一些沿海发达城市,几年后广泛流行。
        人造石artificial cultured stone veneer性能特点:
        1、高贵柔和的外表 纳米微晶石花色品种多、色彩明快、自然高雅、现代感十足,尽显其高贵和丰富的内涵,是追求心灵意境的完美体现。
        2、安全可靠绿色环保 不含对人体有害的放射性元素,是现代最为安全的绿色环保型材料,国家鼓励生产。
        3、阻燃耐高温,无毒无味 不会因冷热突变而裂开或扭曲变形。可与食物经常性接触,绝对安全。
        4、耐污性能优良,抗菌卫生 因导入纳米材料改性后,其表面无毛细孔,吸水率极低,油烟不易渗透,细菌和霉菌无法寄生,是今日所能购买到的最干净卫生的新型表面装饰材料。
        目前主要用于厨柜、卫浴台面,使用将会突破传统的应用领域,应用前景非常广阔,特别是各类异形人造石建材制品,如壁炉、电视机柜、工艺品、人造石artificial cultured stone veneer墙、地砖、家具面料、天花板等。完全可以替代天然石材、高档陶瓷、木材、金属类装饰材料。
        在国外,人造石在商业装修方面非常普遍,我们国内由于设计方面的原因,在商业应用方面还是比较落后的,在欧州和美国, 很多医院手术室内墙、操作台,快餐店的食品服务区域,都必须要用到人造石产品的,人造石产品不仅不会滋生细菌的,而且有一定的抑菌作用,天然石材是绝对不能用的。


Cultured Stone Veneer

Cultured stone veneer, also known as cast stone, is a man-made concrete material made to look like authentic natural stone.
It can be used for a variety of different masonry purposes from decorative and ornamental trims and facings to ornamental garden stones.  Cultured stone veneer comes in a variety of colors ranging from whites to tans and beiges.  Like natural stone veneer, cultured stone veneer tends to be less expensive because it is light in weight and installs easily and quickly and comes in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, as well as in flat or stacked-stone options.  Stop in today to see our wide selection of cultured stone veneer options and to learn more about the benefits of working with cultured stone.


2013 artificial cultured stone veneer leap forward

       2013  artificial cultured stone veneer industry was to make the leap. Three: artificial quartz stone, artificial marble / granite, solid surface materials, such as artificial stone market
The new green artificial stone products, artificial stone and quartz stone as a modern home decoration and building materials industry is the choice of the cabinet table, home ground, building walls, bar, coffee table, wash basin produced raw materials. Artificial stone quartz stone since the artificial stone market abroad emerging rise and development has flourished, green environmentally friendly fashion trend along popular in the Chinese market, now huge the domestic artificial stone and artificial quartz stone market development space, the future development prospects are optimistic, the second by the advantages of different, mutually synergetic, despite the artificial stone market more show the intense competition, artificial stone and quartz products physical chemical characteristics of advantage from the rise to rage, never surpassed by other material advantages of filling wide consumption those who favor and esteem.
Today, artificial stone and quartz stone development rapidly, won the favorite in the field of real estate, home cabinets, decorative building materials industry, the development of artificial stone industry also benefited from the in-depth study of artificial stone and quartz stone manufacturing industry continues to highly inclusive capacity, the rapidly growing popularity of wider broader market segments. Looking back on the past, artificial stone hardships fledgling development stage, the development of artificial stone and quartz stone from obscure, little-known cognitive stage of development, and gradually progress to become a household name and is widely favored prosperous primary stage.
2012 fleeting, 2013 will usher in the  artificial cultured stone veneer and quartz stone a key turning point in the development of the artificial stone market stage. In addition to real estate control policies affect the development of the global economy showed deserted trend, sales and the development of artificial stone and quartz stone relatively, catch cold environment, surrounded by more or less the hysteresis. In this regard, the artificial stone industry in the premise of artificial stone and quartz stone products accepted and recognized by consumers, also proposed the aesthetic appeal of the higher quality features and form factor packaging. At the same time, in view of the artificial stone industry experts and businessmen, the future development of the field of artificial stone and quartz stone products will be widely spread to higher business club, residential villas, a large building crafts, as well as more practical home use areas, artificial stone industry still bears The enormous development opportunities, the artificial cultured stone veneer and quartz stone as to promote the development of the industry leading products, will in the future within the market to lead the new fashion trends and create a new development direction.