
【wtojob.com 外贸外语人才门户-世贸人才网 2008-12-19】
  金融危机已在全世界范围内蔓延,这对中国建材业的出口造成一定影响。面对欧美等相对完善的资本主义国家日益严苛的 贸易壁垒 ,中国建材业中部分企业已将目光投向非洲新兴国家市场,比如尼日利亚,这对于其他尚在出口困境中挣扎的建材企业来说无疑是一个启示。目前,尼日利亚对建材陶瓷、轻工家具、木材加工、非金属矿物制品等有着非常巨大的需求,可本国建材产品完全满足不了国内需要,建材价格的飞涨,供需之间的矛盾使国外建材企业看到商机。同时,高效节能的建材产品在尼日利亚市场亦有利可图。下面笔者将就自己所见所闻简要介绍一下尼日利亚,为欲选择该国为出口方向的企业提供一点借鉴。
  为维护市场的规范,尼日利亚也会随时出台各项进口禁令与解禁令,因此及时有效的对尼贸易信息与企业出口能否得到回报息息相关。在遇到诸如货物被扣等问题时,笔者建议企业迅速与尼日利亚大使馆、领事馆取得联系,寻求帮助与保护。china stone coated steel roofing tile 编辑


What is the difference between natural stone veneer&manufactured stone veneer?

A stone veneer is a thin layer of stone placed over another material to give the whole surface the look of being stone. Manufactured stone is a material made from concrete that imitates real stone.
Stone VeneerA stone veneer is a thin layer of stone pieces, held in place by mortar. Stone veneers are used in places where building entirely out of stone would be too expensive or heavy, but the appearance of stone construction is desired.

Manufactured Stone veneerManufactured stone, also sometimes known as cultured stone, is a material made from concrete and colored pigments. It is molded and treated to imitate the look and feel of real stone.

Manufactured Stone Advantages
Manufactured stone often looks just like real stone products but is significantly lighter in weight. Manufactured stone is often also less expensive than real stone.

Manufactured Stone Disadvantages
Manufactured stone can be harder to apply to a surface than real stone. When using manufactured stone, it is important to get the stucco just right, or the "stones" can sometimes fall off.

Using Real Stone
While using real stone for a veneer is often more expensive, real stone is more durable over long periods of time and is less likely to be discolored or damaged by deicing salts or chemical cleaners.



Get Architectural Advantages with Stacked Stone Veneer from RG Stone

RG StonE stacked stone veneers add timeless beauty to your home or business.

RG Stone provides exciting, innovative, Canadian-made design solutions for the interior or exterior of your home, with stacked stone veneers that are suitable for any atmosphere, whether it’s outside your office or inside your home. Their detailed design and sleek appearance provide a soothing, comfortable and enjoyable environment, with a wide range of shapes and sizes available to cater to everyone’s taste.
Natural stone stacked veneer are often a first choice for property owners, but come with extensive labour times and higher costs. RG Stone products offer an effective solution to these obstacles, as they are significantly more affordable, and their lightweight design allows for a faster and more efficient installation time. We bring you a selection of styles and colours that give you a variety of options for customization, and setup is easy, as our man made stacked stone veneers can be combined with brick and act as a replacement for wood and stucco.

A Quality Assurance Guarantee is included with all RG Stone stacked stone veneers . It is designed to ensure their strength, integrity, and durability do not waver, and that they will be fully protected from dramatic changes in climate and weather. They are built retain their unique texture, and, and we promise that any materials will be replaced if a single defect is found.



(2013-05-07 19:00:21)[编辑][删除]
* 广州建博会·地材展:实木地板、实木复合地板、强化木地板、软木地板、竹地板、各种地板材料等;手工、机制地毯及纺织地铺材料等;地面石材、其它地面铺装材料、地面铺装原料、配件、用品等。
* 广州建博会·卫陶展:整体浴室、瓷砖、浴缸类、淋浴类、座便器、台盆、浴室五金/配件类、卫浴室镜、泳池设施、热水器、取暖器、浴室柜等;各类墙地砖、原辅材料及生产设备;游泳设备及配件、SPA及桑拿设备、循环过滤产品等。
* 广州建博会·厨房展:整体橱柜、集成厨房、智能厨房;燃气灶、集成灶、抽油烟机、微波炉、烘烤设备、制冷设备、热水器、消毒保洁设备、垃圾处理器及各类厨房家电;五金、台面、门板、板材、照明、面漆及其它装饰性和功能性材料;水槽、龙头、厨配五金挂件、净水设备、烹饪厨具;产品设计软件、工程软件等。
* 广州建博会·衣柜展:入墙柜、衣柜、书柜、组合柜等;隔断门、移门、移动隔门、衣帽间、滑动门等;衣柜系统五金配件、板材、涂料及其他辅材等;木工机械等;
* 广州建博会·门窗展:铝合金门、实木门、实木复合门、生态门、钢木门、钢门窗、安全门、防盗门、防火门、仿古铜门、艺术玻璃门、模压门、塑钢门窗、防蚊纱窗、百叶窗、模压木门、隔断门、木塑门、折叠门、百叶门、镶嵌玻璃木门;门窗专业配件及机械、木门成套生产及加工设备;门业辅助材料:木皮、木塑、高分子材料、密封材料、门业新材料等;
* 广州建材展建筑装饰五金展区:建筑五金、装饰五金、各类自动门、门控五金系统及配件、门禁电子系统、五金配件、五金工具、五金模具、五金铸造等;
* 广州建材展装饰玻璃/移门展区:艺术玻璃、建筑装饰玻璃、工业玻璃、玻璃机械;
* 广州建材展天花吊顶展区:集成吊顶、金属吊顶、STONE COATED STEEL ROOFING TILES吊顶加工机械、软膜天花、铝板/铅板/点式/单元/金属幕墙、幕墙配件及加工设备,阳光板、石膏制品等;
* 广州建材展墙纸/布艺及辅料展区:墙/壁纸、布艺/软包、壁布、壁纸胶剂类、墙纸工具、墙纸生产机械及设备、墙纸生产及辅料类、各类墙饰等;
* 广州建材展楼梯展区:木楼梯、钢楼梯、其它楼梯及相关配件等;
* 广州建材展建筑工程照明展区:整体家居照明、商业照明、专业灯光等;
* 广州建材展建筑涂料及化学建材展区:墙面/防水/地坪涂料、涂料助剂、涂料包装材料;干粉砂浆;粘合剂、外加剂、助剂、建筑胶、胶带、填缝剂、防锈材料、建筑防水材料、防水添加剂、防渗漏材料、防水技术及相关设备;涂刷用具等;
* 广州建材展石材展区:石料(花岗岩、大理石、板岩、砂岩、石英石、卵石、人造石等)、石雕及石制品、异型石材、石材生产设备、园艺文化石STONE VENEER等;


人造文化石STONE VENEER颜色关乎产品成败,但是人造文化石颜色不正有哪些方面的原因呢?





找出了人造文化石STONE VENEER颜色问题所在,大家就可以对症下药尽力改进了。


EU building regulations implemented in July China building materials export difficult

2013-3-12 10:10:24 Source: China Quality

Core Tip: many Chinese enterprises due to product-related CE certification standards are not familiar with, but eager to enter the EU market, so they cause blind exports, swarmed the situation, even if it took a lot of manpower, energy costs are still in the market development and Product promotion with little success.
Since this July 1, the EU issued by the Construction Products Regulations (CPR) will fully replace the Construction Products Directive (CPD), which also means that the EU building regulations into the enforcement stage, it will be China's building materials industry manufacturers, processors and traders to sell to open up the EU market to new challenges.

It is reported that CPR regulations applicable to the European market circulation of construction products, such as roofing materials, asphalt mixture, gypsum materials, aggregates, cement, pipes, flooring materials, sewer equipment, doors, windows, glass, structural metal products, tight firmware, thermal insulation material, waterproof material, structural timber traffic signal indication, fire-fighting equipment and heating equipment. The regulations in addition to the six basic performance requirements, enterprises must prove that the production of building products in environmentally sustainable development. Moreover, the new regulations are still in the original constraints on the basis of the construction product manufacturers, traders, importers and distributors of building products circulation link to a new mandatory requirements, building products into the EU to provide a unified performance evaluation method, by use of a common technical language, to ensure reliable performance of all building products.

At present, many countries and regions in Europe, the requirements for building products, from traditional to meet the needs of life have gradually shifted to health, environmental protection based on the concept of enjoyment. In this case, China's building products still appear at an affordable cost and resource advantages, has been unable to obtain the favor of the European market. With the gradual recovery and growth of the European construction industry, many Chinese enterprises have hope that their products CE certification, with the momentum of development of the globalization of the construction industry, a solid foothold in the European market.
According to the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification organization SGS, EU harmonized standards for building products of about 580 copies, and continues to change in. Many Chinese companies are not familiar with the product CE certification standards, but eager to enter the EU market, so they cause blind export swarmed the situation, even if it took a lot of manpower, energy costs are still on the market development and product promotion with little success. china stone coated steel roofing tiles editing