
China is three times the volume of exports in Italy that created the world's first stone export amount.

China is three times the volume of exports in Italy that created the world's first stone export amount.

Although China's stone veneer  industry in the international arena in an important position, but for now Chinese stone unemployed itself is concerned, there are still many problems affecting the process of internationalization. How to make business in the international competition to gain maximum benefit? To ensure the health of China's stone unemployment lasting development? Stone industry industry experts to discuss how to expand the international market experience and methods.
Q: From the industry perspective, please turn to the international market to promote the development of China's stone reality and the long-term unemployed What is the significance?
Mr Lai Guoxiang (Xiamen Stone Chamber of Commerce Secretary): towards the international market, through the force to adjust the size of a small, serious pollution, high energy consumption enterprises, thereby eliminating the backward enterprises, to accelerate the restructuring of China's stone industry, changes in China's stone industry in product , technological, organizational structure irrational situation, establish matching with the international division of labor, a competitive product structure organizational structure. Control of both foreign stone industry development trends in technology, equipment, funds = management, strengthen cooperation, but also can enhance the potential for the development of China's stone industry.
Mr. Wang Jiongyu (Xiamen Xudong Stone Co., Ltd. General Manager): Chinese stone veneer  into the international market, from a practical sense, not only solved the problem of the domestic part of the workforce, but also improve the technical content of domestic stone, quality control system and management level . For example, supplied by me in Paris, France ADRIA TOWER works in the construction process must first abandon the original wall hanging plate drilling technology, while using the latest technology to accommodate hanging oblique France international demand, to achieve a good results. From a long-term sense, Chinese stone into the international market but also help enhance the environmental awareness of domestic stone industry. Europe from the Renaissance stone industry has gone through 600 years, from the stone mining, processing and packaging the entire process is fully introduced concept of environmental protection. And China's stone industry is only 20 years of development history, how to strengthen environmental awareness is currently facing the development of stone industry in China is an important issue.
Mr. Hu Jingpei (Wanli Stone Group Chairman): In the tide of globalization, with China, like many traditional labor-intensive industries, China stone into the international market is the inevitable development of history. Its practical significance is that the cost advantage of China stone to ensure the industry's enterprises and investors can obtain a relatively stable return. Long-term significance but also because through participation in international competition to promote the upgrading of the level of domestic stone veneer industry as a whole, such as the concept of constantly updated technology and equipment, continuous improvement, quality and stability improve this service follow-up and so on.edited by china stone veneer manufacturer

