
Internationalization is to improve the overall competitiveness of the most important way.

Internationalization is to improve the overall competitiveness of the most important way.

For Chinese stone veneer enterprises, internationalization is to improve the overall competitiveness of the most important way. Wanli Stone in the company since its inception, to determine the development strategy for the international market. Founded nine years, the company has created a line with international standards of good management and marketing team. Therefore, we can proudly tell you that both the company philosophy, corporate culture. Or the quality of products and services, we are not inferior to any one world-class stone business. Wanli Stone bring international realities and long-term significance is far-reaching.
Q: Chinese stone veneer  enterprises in the international market in the process, which will encounter difficulties? As a business, the need to solve their own problems is what?
Mr Lai Guoxiang: 2003, in Germany and Italy held a traditional stone exhibition, local governments receive from the national association of trade associations stone pressure for government does not allow Chinese enterprises to participate in exhibitions stone. This indicates that as the representative of the old European stone producing countries and their trade associations, potential joint attempt to "anti-dumping" to discourage Chinese stone into Europe. Meanwhile, China's stone industry disorderly competition, mainly disorderly competition on price and product variety of similar enterprises, but also to enterprises into the international market has brought difficulties can not be ignored.
If an enterprise can cost in the original, based on improved technology and equipment, increase the technological content to create their own businesses and product brands, develop their own unique products that will help Chinese enterprises to better stone into the international market.
Mr. Wang Jiongyu: Chinese stone late start in the international market difficulties encountered in the process mainly in the following three aspects:
First, the self (including mine, have the ability to export factories and foreign trade companies) disorderly competition. As China's stone industry still at the primary stage, ignoring the technology, quality and service competition.
Second, disorderly exploitation of mines. Because people do not pay attention to the long-term protection of mineral resources, resulting in a second half of 2004 until early this year G603 and G604 mine closure events. Importers of China's lack of confidence, many designers dare to use Chinese products. Mine closure, the company will strive to find a substitute for G603 and actively recommend to importers and designers, the company's image and therefore can be improved.
Third, foreign protectionism. As China stone export volume increases, leading to layoffs and foreign stone business bankruptcy, coupled with China's domestic stone streets of processing non-standardized, unemployed foreign governments to take appropriate stone for their own protection, and a variety of labor and environmental standards to measure restricting China's stone veneer  exports.
To overcome these difficulties, China's enterprises should focus on stone with international standards. First of all, we want to establish brand trust. Corporate image and brand awareness is not * blindly build and price wars to come, only to rely on a solid technology * in order to enhance the quality of the brand trust. The rooms do not simply leading price of winning will damage the interests of the company, but also affect the country's overall image. Secondly, we have to service winner. The 21st century, the quality of service our customers have become a vital supplier selection criteria.
Mr. Hu Jingpei: Generally speaking, Chinese stone enterprises in the international market process is not much obstacles. In addition to the existence of a small number of regional market protection and non-tariff barriers, most of the international markets are open and free.edited by china stone veneer manufacturer

